
The Constitution of the Poulton-le-Fylde Historical and Civic Society

1. Name: The Poulton-le-Fylde Historical and Civic Society (‘the Society’).

2. Aims: The aims of the Society are:

2.1 To study, for enjoyment and enlightenment, the past and present history and culture of Poulton-le-Fylde and the surrounding area.

2.2 To liaise  with the Local Authority on planning matters, particularly those applying to the Conservation Area

2.3 To hold meetings at regular intervals for talks by guest speakers and members.

2.4 To provide a forum for members to meet, discuss and exchange information regarding individual interests and researches.

2.5 To promote and organise exhibitions, workshops and field work.

2.6 To produce periodic Newsletters.

2.7 To promote the publication of members’ work.

2.8 (i) To create and maintain an archive of relevant local historical data from any source and of current events and  (ii) to allow appropriate access to the archive.

3. Membership: Membership of the Society is open to any person or organisation supporting the aims of the Society upon payment of such annual subscriptions as the Committee may from time to time decide.

4. The Committee: The policy and general management of the Society, including the setting of subscriptions and other fees, shall be directed by a Committee which shall meet not less than eight  times a year. It shall consist of not less than six members.

5. Honorary Officers: At the Annual General Meeting, the members shall elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

6. Meetings:

6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of January or as soon as practicable after that month by giving to the members not less than 14 days’ prior notice,  for the purpose of  (i) receiving and approving the Chairman’s Report and the Annual Statement of Accounts for the Society’s financial year to the previous 30 November and (ii) appointing honorary officers and electing members of the Committee.

6.2 A quorum at a Committee meeting shall be not less than four (4) members present. A quorum at a General Meeting of the Society shall be not less than ten (10) members present.

6.3 Resolutions put at any meeting (other than a meeting for the purpose of altering this Constitution) shall be decided by majority vote of members present and voting and the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

7. Notices: The Hon. Secretary shall have responsibility for the form and manner of service of notices on members.

8. Alterations to the Constitution: Any alteration shall require the approval of a two thirds majority of members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting properly convened.

9. Dissolution: If the Committee, by a majority, decides that on grounds of expense or otherwise that it is desirable or necessary to dissolve the Society, then it should convene a Special General Meeting and if such decision is confirmed by a majority of those members present and voting, then the Committee shall have power to offer the Society’s archive to the Lancashire Archives.

Any other assets of the Society, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, shall be applied towards such charitable or other organisations having the same or similar aims as the Society and, in default or disagreement, as may be decided by the Director for the time being of the Lancashire Archives.

Revised June 2015

Page last updated 2 Feb 2025

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